EVERY blog that I go to has pictures of Lady Gaga plastered on it in some fashion. Either on the header, on the side-pane, in every other post. Somewhere. Somehow. To each his own though, you like who you like..but somebody has to explain to me how she's not seen as just.plain.extra. I know you all have seen videos of how she looked before she got mainstream, so if you praise this chick for being "creative", you're obviously overlooking how contrived it is.
*steps off soapbox*
"If this ho pokes me in my eye with her antler I'm going off. I can't miss any more work. I've already missed 6 days because I caught bird flu from her last costume."
lmao from comment above!
I'm so glad someone else said it and it's not just me, I can't stand her, I think she is crazy and over "does it" tries to hard to be "different" I can't stand her! ugh! lol
Nice blog btw
Bald dude is probably thinking "I know I look crazy being seen with her but I love my job...must stay professional"
I really don't know WHY I like Lady Gaga..wait..yes I do know why..it's because I ♥ weird people && things but I don't know why..I'm soo weird!
*hides in a corner*
Because I'm one of the ones who have Lady Gaga on her blog. But sheeesh! I LOVE HER. True, she can be very wacky and her style can be over the top at times. However, would you rather have some wannabe Britney or Bey giving you their tired ol' songs who has no sense of style whatsoever? we need change.
i too, see every blog with GaGa on it, but you have to give her credit for at least "stepping out the box" . In my opinion, I dot put her on my blog, unless I absolutely like what I see, and sometimes I dont like what I see... I wont be like the next fashion blogger and put her up there just because its "cool" or everyone else does... But like you said to each its own.. do you.. You like it post it .. but now-a-days.. its you dont like... post anyway, everyone else has.. but hey.. anyways, i like her creativity, but sometimes she can go overboard...
She's wonkers and that's what people like to see and read about. I'm never one to talk about her creativity because like you said it's very contrived. To each it's own
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