So I thought about it a little bit....conjured up a liiiiiil som'n. And then I decided to digress, because I realized that that is a HEEEAVY issue that would take a lot of time to write about. Time that I'm not willing to spare right now.
So....later on in the day during my daily blog rounds, I saw THIS picture of Serena in ESPN Magazine's Body Issue:

Oh my goooodness. Serena lookin' like a straight up CANDY BAR in this picture!! (Interpret that how you want to.) So, to make a long story short y'all, this picture made me want to hop right back on my soap box. Nevertheless, I'm going to pose a few questions to you all in hopes that you can give me some insight...
Fellas AND ladies: Do you, or have you ever discriminated on the opposite sex based on skin color? Do you have a preference when it comes to the type of guy or girl that you like? And is there even a difference between having a preference and discriminating?
Fellas AND ladies: Do you, or have you ever discriminated on the opposite sex based on skin color? Do you have a preference when it comes to the type of guy or girl that you like? And is there even a difference between having a preference and discriminating?
I have never discriminated on the opposite sex based on skin color. I actually have no preference, if I think your attractive that's it. They're are sexy chocolate brothas, sexy caramel brothers, && so on...
But to have a preference is not discriminating because don't always stick to that preference, its more like a generalization...
good post
i'll admit. a sexy darkskinned dude sticks out like a sore goddamn thumb boyy! my attraction radar just starts going off. but i find all races/skin colors attractive and don't have any discrimination as far as dating goes. actually (and this is gonna sound shallow but..shit...) what i really wanna know is what does he have on his FEET! i will discriminate against a nondressing muthafucker!
i agree with eurydice, good post i like your blog.
There’s nothing wrong with liking what you like. However that may cause you to miss out on something good if you don’t want to try something new, but hey, that’s your loss.
To me the light vs. dark isn’t the entire issue any more. It’s black vs. everything else. The black woman whether light or dark has become so trivialized and disrespected it makes no sense at all.
Its too early for me to be on my soap box so I’ll fall back.
When it comes to this issues its always going to be a heavy issue. In the media and everywhere else, funny we were having a similar conversation in class. Honestly my preference is shallow, but thats only because I'm young now and I want what I want. It doesn't matter your skin tone, as long as you have a beauty that cannot compare to anyone elses; physical, mental, spiritual, etc.
I like em pretty whether they are light, white, black, yellow, whatever if you fly and cute you could get it.
It has alot to do with media and what is portrayed as an image of beauty. which we see day to day as Lightskin, long hair, and occasionally the cake* [butt for all you non slangers]
well thats me for the time being.
I enjoy your blog.
I have a preference when it comes to guys (light skin < dark skin, but this is beside the point). I think there is a difference between preference and discrimination. If a person totally shuts someone down and does not give them a chance due to skin color, it's wrong. But having a preference just say, I'd rather talk to a darker skinned guy over a lighter skinned one.
P.S. this is a wonderful post.
'preciate the insight y'all!
Shout out to dark skin girls. OW!! Anywho...
I definitely don't discriminate, I can recognize a sexy dude of any race. I don't really have a preference. If you're sexy, you're sexy, I don't care what your complexion is. There is definitely a difference between discriminating and preference. And it's all about having an open mind, and respecting the wonderful traits that all people have.
Since you chose Selena Willaims as the poster child for this particular topic of discussion, I feel it's my duty to point out that if guys dont go for her its probably not because of her complexion lol. It would more than likely have something to do with her man-like physique and the aggression she publicly displayed here recently. Lol im just saying--if i were a guy I wouldnt fool with her/him.
LOL!! Well i guess i got baaad taste then, cause i would definitely put a ring on it. Big'ahh triceps and all'at.
yes she is pretty!! duh! she just has hair & fashion moments as we all do. anyone who knows me know i like emmm daaaaaaaaaark darling. lol i also think when u're one complexion u prefer someone opposite of urself. plus it just looks sexier when the 2 come together... humm ok let me stop! good post!
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