Make it a BLOCKBUSTER night?

Sep 14, 2009

Man, I'm SO excited about this movie. These are some HEAVY HITTERS!!!! Idris Elba commanding his role like Denzel in these previews. And they keepin' it fresh with TI and Chris Breezy in this jawn, too! People sayin' Chris Brown isn't capable of making a come-back? Rubbish, lol. It's only a matter of time before he's back on. In the meantime every R&B cat with a buzz right now needs to send him a personalized Thank You card for F'n up and allowing them to get some shine.

seen first over at IAMDEONNA


deonna said...

definitely a blockbuster.
thanks for crediting me. :)

lovelylavendar said...

wow! never seen the trailer for this movie before but it looks amazing! definitely going to the theaters to check this one out!

Don't watch me, w-w-watch my feet....