DHOE 2014 Playlist

Nov 8, 2014

This ain't your Granddaddy's mixtape, jack.

It's been almost a year since I blogged here; I had to take my talents to Chapel2Chapel for a bit.

Anywho, in the spirit of homecoming, I'm back once again with the 4th installment of D.H.O.E. playlists. For whatever reason, I had no intentions of making one this year. But, per requests, I managed to put together a li'som'n for y'all.

Cop the tape HERE. And please, as always, drink responsibly, my g's.

UPDATE: If you were one of the first to download the 'tape, yours is missing Track 3Please disregard if this is your first time here. Peace!

Don't watch me, w-w-watch my feet....