You know, I never realized before today that the "Blogosphere" was ran completely by women. Almost all the celebrity blogs are written by a woman. Most of the people on Blogspot are of the female persuasion. No matter where you look, all of the commentaries are usually from women. What gives? This may be the only time you here me say that I don't like being completely surrounded by women (I repeat--the ONLY time, LOL).
On one hand, I like the fact that most bloggers have curves, because I gain a lot of useful knowledge from a female's perspective (for example, over at Urban Gentleman I get useful style tips from a female who knows her stuff when it comes to men's fashion). Now on the other hand, blogging can become a drag when women dominate the comments....

-Attention whore! (@ Lona)
-seriously-could she show less class?
I wish his mama was still alive to smack
him back into reality (@ future Mrs. Kwes)
-What a disgrace! Why is it that black men
do the most when they date a white girl?? (@ Miz b)

...oooooh weeeeee!!! THE men!!!! (@ms. too good)
-I had to double back twice #1. because the men are so d*mn fine #2.
because the men were so d*mn fine! *sigh* (@Misses Tiny)
-Theres nothing like NFL eye candy!
you gotta be jokin that is too fine!
I really can't believe he is that fine!!!! (@Coco)
You have a point. Women hating on each other is all over urban blogs, but we must be reading different ones. If you frequent more fashion blogs you'll read 90% positive comments about the women you mentioned above.
But also a women can almost never have an opinion without it being considered hating. (Thanks you gave me an idea, I'm going to blog about that topic). I don't consider it hating when people say Keri Hilson, Rihanna, Cassie can't sing, and Amber needs to put some clothes on, all those things are completely true. However I can give all those womens props for being beautiful and I respect their hustle.
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