Grow up, please!

Apr 1, 2009

some guy called us in his room to write ASU on this passed out guy...

As I get older, I'm beginning to notice that I'm gradually maturing a lot; consequently, I don't partake in things that I used to do when I was a little younger. From freshman to senior year, I think there are some things that people should collectively let go of, such as associating themselves in mutually exclusive clicks, comin' out the house with flip-flops and socks on, being loud and belligerent in large crowds, deleting friends on Facebook after a minor disagreement, drinking to get DRUNK, getting rediculous 15$ tattoos all spur-of-the-moment, spending hours upon hours in the Pit, FIGHTING IN RAMS HEAD or physical altercations period, claiming stuff you know you ain't 'bout--such as being from the hood when you've never even drank sugar water before, etc. etc. I honestly think maturity comes with age and experience, so I cannot fault some people for the things that they do. Sometimes you just gotta charge it to the game...

-To the old heads, how have you matured since your earlier undegrad years?
-To the young bucks, do you notice any early changes in yourself since you've been here at UNC (cutting back on clubbing, etc.)?

**By the way, shout to c/o 2010! We just registered for senior year courses, so we've officially made it!!!! CHEA!


DD said...

"deleting friends on Facebook after a minor disagreement", i just did that...i had to do it bc I got tired of seeing news feeds about that

Anonymous said...

Preach! I would like to add to the list, changing peoples facebook status when they leave their computer up. That shit get old REAL fast!

Don't watch me, w-w-watch my feet....